Mesh Form is a highly flexible tool that lets you apply various textures such as clothing.
Prepare an illustration, whose the skirt has no texture.
Open ① the Material tool, and select ② "Clothe Patterns (Color)".
Tap ① Tartan check 01(red) .
Once the texture is applied, open ① the Tool Selection window and select ② Transformation tool.
Select ① Mesh Form, to adjust the size of the material.
① Division Xlets you change the horizontal partition by dragging the slider left and right.
② Division Y lets you change the vertical partition by dragging the slider left and right.
By increasing the number of divisions, you can distort the image as precisely as you want.
Here is a comparison to show the difference in smoothness.
Dragging ① the Smoothness slider left and right will let you adjust the smoothness after transforming.
Turning ① Repeat on will let you use the repeat function.
② Repeat X lets you change the horizontal density of the shape by moving the slider left and right.
③ Repeat Y lets you change the vertical density of the shape by moving the slider left and right. By using the repeat function, you can adjust the density of the shape to fit your illustration, for a more natural expression.
① Phase X lets you change the horizontal position of the pattern by dragging the slider left and right.
② Phase Y lets you change the vertical position of the pattern by dragging the slider left and right.
By turning ③ Interpolation on, you can smoothen the pattern of the material.
Once you are finished fixing the settings, drag ④ the handle to distort the material to fit the skirt.
Once you are done distorting the material, tap on ① ✓ to finish.
Open ① the Layer window, and select ② the current layer and turn on ③ Clipping, to prevent the material from sticking out of the drawing.
And you're finished.