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  1. Software License
  2. Trademark
  3. Material Provider

Software License

ibisPaint uses many external libraries for development. We express our gratitude to the developers of each library.
License texts and copyright attributions of the external libraries used are described on the window displayed when you tap on the "Licenses" in the ibisPaint's in-app Settings.


  • “QR Code” is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

The names of other companies and products appearing in this website or in our products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. The trademark symbol ((R), TM) does not necessarily appear in the text of this website or in our products.

Material Provider

Some materials in the Material Tool of ibis Paint are taken from the following sites and redistributed "as is" or with modification. Thank you.


Kimagure after


Loose Drawing