You can use the Gradation Map to create many kinds of colors. ※This is a premium function.
The image on the left uses overlay to apply blue colors, and it looks somewhat dull. The image on the right uses gradation map to combine different colors, creating a complex and beautiful color palette.
We will be adding color to this grayscale diamond. Open the ① Tool Selection window and select ② Filter.
Select ① Gradation Map.
In this tutorial, we will not be using an existing gradation. Instead, create a new gradation by double-tapping the ① knob. Add a color by tapping an empty space on the color strip.
Adjust the color by moving the knob left or right. Colors on the left of the Gradation slider are painted to dark pixels of the original image, and ones on the right are painted to bright pixels.
That's it.
You can create all kinds of colors by customizing the gradation. This is very useful for Grisaille painting.