[Fixed Bugs and Problems]
- Fixed the behavior when “Eyedropper” is activated from a button or key on the digital stylus to be the same as when “Eyedropper” is selected in the tool selection window.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when the reference window is closed while images are being loaded in the reference window.
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash or made it impossible to operate a layer when a layer was added with the “Vector Felt Tip Pen” or other tools while using the Bézier Curve or Polyline tools.
- Fixed a bug that layer images sometimes became abnormal after undo/redo when using a brush with “Separate each stroke” OFF.
- Fixed a bug that when windows are overlapping, the lower window may also close if something is done while the upper window is in the process of closing.
- Fixed a bug that caused premium icons and text to overlap on some canvas sizes when selecting a canvas size for animated artworks in the canvas size selection window when in RTL language.
- Fixed a bug that could cause images to not update correctly when a brush shape with a brush whose “Speed - Thickness” is not 0% is on a vector layer.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Ruler tool and the Stabilizer tool to remain visible when “Eyedropper” was activated from a button or key on the digital stylus while using the Brush tool or other tools.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the close button from appearing when selecting “Select Ruler” from the Ruler tool that is displayed in a situation where it should not be displayed.
- Fixed a bug that after activating “Eyedropper” from a button or key on the digital stylus, it may not be activated in the same way.
- Fixed a bug that the thickness of lines drawn with the stylus may not be accurate when drawing alternately with a finger and a pressure sensitive stylus.
- Fixed a bug that may cause a crash due to slider operation.
- Fixed a bug that when content containing NULL, one of the control characters, was pasted into the text portion of a Text shape and edited, the content after NULL was sometimes lost.
- Fixed a bug that prevented switching ibis accounts in the settings window.
- Fixed a bug that the position mark of the special pen did not follow the drag while using the drawing tool.
- Fixed a bug that drawing may not be performed correctly when Bézier curves and Polylines are drawn when using the copy pen.
- Fixed a crash when drawing with the special pen when using the array ruler and line/rectangle drawing tools at the same time.
- Fixed a bug in the floating layer window that could cause layout corruption when dragging a layer and adding it to a folder.
- Fixed a bug that when dragging a layer folder, the layer above it might move up.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when duplicating an artwork whose name consists only of numbers.
- Fixed a bug in which saving a JPEG with a selection from the File menu resulted in an incorrect saved image.
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when renaming the artwork folder containing the artworks in which video files are saved.
- Fixed a bug that an error message may appear when importing a zip file, even if the artwork file is normal.
- Fixed a bug that the fill area of an ellipse drawn with the canvas tilted may be inaccurate in time-lapse videos.
- Removed thin circles from various buttons on the gradient slider.
- Fixed a bug in which a hidden window was displayed by rotating the tablet device.
- Fixed a bug that could cause corruption of the artwork file when opening an artwork to which paper texture has been applied.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when displaying the Bucket Detail settings window.
- Fixed a bug that misidentified normal touch as 3D Touch under certain conditions.
- Fixed a bug that My Gallery sometimes freezes during folder transition or rearrangement.
- Fixed a bug that the window did not close when double-tapping the color palette or color history.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused incorrect display when expanding a layer folder in the floating layer window.
- Fixed a problem in which the stabilization settings were sometimes not retained correctly after playing back an artwork.
- Fixed a bug that blank characters before and after the folder name were not cut off when a new folder was created in the destination window of the artwork folder.
- Fixed a bug that the frame setting button was not displayed when a frame was added to a vector layer using the Frame Divider tool.
- Fixed a bug that the Frame Divider Setting window may continue to be displayed even when the Frame Divider Setting button is hidden.
- Fixed a bug that caused unintended behavior when using the Eyedropper tool while the window is closed.
- Fixed a bug that prevented scrolling by drag.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes causes a freeze when the Home button is pressed during opening the Canvas screen.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes did not result in the proper layout when a layer folder was opened and closed.
- Fixed a bug that created unwanted blank space in the layer window when a layer folder was dragged but not repositioned.
- Fixed tutorials not overlapping with other windows.
- (iOS/iPadOS) Fixed a bug that the online gallery did not open automatically when the application was launched from a push notification.
- (iOS/iPadOS) Fixed a bug that the online gallery would not open after tapping on a push notification when an alert was displayed.
- (iOS/iPadOS) Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when closing the popup that appears when importing pictures.
- (iOS/iPadOS) Fixed a bug that prevented login by X account on iPad.
- (iOS/iPadOS free version) Fixed a rare freeze when the tracking permission dialog is closed.
- (Android) Fixed a bug on devices with SoC of Exynos 2400 and GPU of Xclipse 940, such as Galaxy S24+, that some drawings disappeared after merging layers, and that fills by drawing tools were not drawn correctly.
- (Android) Fixed a bug that the display range of the window could be incorrect when the keyboard is closed by touching the screen in the artwork information window.
- (Android) Fixed a bug that this app may not be shown as a share destination for font files and zip files.
- (Android) Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when switching between showing and hiding the wait indicator when saving images.
- (Android) Fixed one button available on the HUION Inspiroy Frego M pen tablet as button 2 is not responding.
- (Android) Fixed a bug that caused YouTube open loop when tapping a News to open YouTube and then trying to return to the application.
- (Windows) Fixed a bug where an error message would appear when sharing or saving an artwork from the Share button, regardless of the result.
- (Windows) Fixed a bug that if the application is closed while an artwork file is being shared, the artwork file cannot be accessed until the application is restarted.
- (Windows) Fixed a bug that editing starts without displaying the shape added under ver.12 correctly in rare cases.
- (Windows) Fixed a bug that the application may not start with an alert “Invalid Unicode character”.
- (Windows) Fixed a bug in My Gallery that caused inoperability when swiping from the left edge of the screen back to the root folder.